Automatically generate beautiful wine lists
Based on the wines in your cellar, personalized to your style.
It’s simple to drag and drop categories on your wine list, start them on new pages or hide them.
Every customization option started as a request from a restaurant.
If you want more options for personalizing the wine list, just let us know.
It only takes a second to add print margins, show notes or glass prices. And much more.
Choose how to sort the wine list, and if you want to have a separate section for by the glass wines.
There is a range of font options available. If your preferred font isn’t available, contact us and we will add it.
You can even choose how to display big bottle formats.
Keep Star Wine List up to date automatically
Your wine list is not only available as a PDF for you to download, but also as a so-called live link. See example here.
The wine list on this link is updated in real time based on the contents of your cellar.
You can share this link on your website (popular) and share it with Star Wine List so you never have to update SWL again.