Vinify reaches 50.000 active users - here's what's next
2023 could not be off to a more fun start: Vinify now has 50.000 active monthly users. It shows that the features developed in 2022 are both useful and fun! These include city guides, leaderboards, checking in, mobile cellar improvements and discovering the best value for money wines in your closest store.
Now we are kicking off 2023 with an incredibly exciting list of features we have in development.
For restaurants and wine bars, we are preparing two major features:
Advanced analytics. We are launching a dashboard to monitor which wines are over- and underpriced in your cellar by comparing the market value of your wines with the selling prices you’ve set in your wine list. A fantastic tool to optimize the prices on your wine list every month.
Inventory count. Probably the most requested cellar feature. This will allow you to move your wine cellar management from Excel to Vinify once and for all. Fast and intuitive inventory count, including exporting to formats accepted by official auditors, will make this best in class. We will launch it very soon, and we’ll continue to improve and expand this based on user feedback throughout the year.
For non-professional users we have very exciting features coming up which we will share in another post.
Happy new year from everyone at Vinify 🍾